How to Change Primary and Secondary Weapons in HellDivers 2
Helldivers 2 has quickly become a favorite for gamers seeking thrilling, cooperative play and intense alien combat. As players dive deeper into the game, they unlock many powerful weapons, turning the tide of battle against formidable alien hordes. Yet, amidst the chaos and camaraderie, a common challenge emerges: switching Primary and Secondary weapons.

This hurdle has puzzled many within the Helldivers community, compounded by the game's lingering performance issues, which obscure some of its features. While previous guides have tackled topics such as linking your PSN account for cross-play, this article aims to demystify the weapon swap system, ensuring you're always battle-ready with your ideal loadout.

How to Get to the Armory and Swap Weapons

Screenshot: Meta Game Guides

The journey to mastering your arsenal begins in your Ship's Armory. You will find the Armory on the left side of the short hallway that connects the main hub to the bridge where the Galactic War maps and transporter pods are. It houses the vast array of weapons and armor pivotal for survival and victory in the harsh environments of Helldivers 2.

Upon entering the Armory, interaction with the menu reveals the "Weaponry" tab, your gateway to swapping both Primary and Secondary weapons. Here's how to update your loadout:

- Primary Weapon Change: Click on the Primary weapon slot, choose your new weapon from the unlocked arsenal, and select "Equip" to make the switch.

- Secondary Weapon Change: Follow the same steps for the Secondary weapon slot to tailor your combat strategy further.

- Grenade Change: Follow the same steps for your grenade slot.

Screenshot: Meta Game Guides

It's important to remember that weapon availability is tied to progression. Only weapons unlocked through gameplay milestones and mission completion can be equipped, adding a layer of strategy to your game plan.

Optimizing Your Loadout for Every Mission

The right weapon can make all the difference when facing Helldivers 2's tougher opponents, like the dreaded Chargers. With the right strategy, including the strategic use of the Expendable Anti-Tank Stratagem, even the most daunting foes can be swiftly neutralized.

Regularly revisiting your weapon choices is crucial as each mission may require a different approach. The game encourages players to adapt and optimize their loadouts for the challenges ahead, ensuring no mission feels insurmountable.


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