In "Persona 3 Reload," amidst the adventure and battles against the shadows, players can undertake a series of optional tasks known as Elizabeth's Requests. These requests are a great way to earn extra rewards and cash, enriching your gameplay experience. One such task, Request 19, revolves around the collection of Jack Frost Dolls. This guide will walk you through completing this request and what benefits await you.
The journey to fulfilling Elizabeth's Request 19 begins after you triumph over the Full Moon Shadow. Following this victory, Elizabeth provides a list of optional requests. Navigate to the Velvet Room to accept Request 19 from Elizabeth. It's crucial to accept this request from her; only then can you embark on the quest to obtain the sought-after Jack Frost Dolls.
Where to Find Jack Frost Dolls
The process of acquiring Jack Frost Dolls involves a few straightforward steps. Here's what you need to do:
Step 1: Visit Paulownia Mall
Screenshot: Meta Game Guides
Your first destination is the Paulownia Mall. Look for the Game Parade Arcade within the mall. This arcade is your ticket to winning the Jack Frost Dolls.
Step 2: Play the Crane Game
Screenshot: Meta Game Guides
Upon arriving at the Game Parade Arcade, locate the Crane Game. It's important to check the rewards available before playing, as the Jack Frost Dolls are only up for grabs on Fridays and Saturdays. Planning your visit to the arcade on these specific days increases is the only way to get the Jack Frost Dolls.
Screenshot: Meta Game Guides
Step 3: Win Three Jack Frost Dolls
Screenshot: Meta Game Guides
The objective of the Crane Game is to win three Jack Frost Dolls. Persistence is key here; keep playing until you secure all three dolls. This may require multiple attempts, but the rewards are well worth the effort.
Return to Elizabeth in the Velvet Room with all three Jack Frost Dolls in hand. Handing over the dolls to her will mark the completion of Request 19. As a token of her gratitude, Elizabeth will reward you with various benefits, including rewards and cash, which can be instrumental in your journey through "Persona 3 Reload."
Engaging in Elizabeth's Requests offers a break from the main storyline and battles, providing a unique set of challenges and rewards. Request 19, in particular, tests your patience and skill at the Crane Game and rewards you handsomely upon completion. These side quests enrich the overall gameplay experience, adding depth and variety to your adventure in "Persona 3 Reload."
Whether you're a completionist aiming to tackle every aspect of the game or looking for additional challenges and rewards, Elizabeth's Requests are a fantastic way to enhance your journey. Completing Request 19 and acquiring the Jack Frost Dolls with this guide should be a breeze. Happy gaming!
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